{[ item.description ]}
Quantity: {[ item.quantity ]} + {[ item.promotionalQuantity ]} Free
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Average Price Per Band: {[ item.price | currency ]}
{[ field.name ]}: Clipart Preview
{[ field.name ]}: Clipart Preview
{[ field.name ]}: {[ field.name ]}
{[ field.name ]}
{[ field.name ]}: {[ field.value ]}
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1 (800) 523-8078 Rapid Wristbands BBB Business Review Customer Reviews

Military, Police & Law Enforcement Wristbands

An army patch design for the customer wristbands.
A police car design to place on the wristbands.
A police batch design to place on the custom wristbands.
Tank design to put on the custom wristbands.
Soldier logo for the wristbands.
A cop hat design for the wristbands.

Choose military symbols from our database of 100,000+ clip art options!

About Military, Police & Law Enforcement Wristbands

We have many options to help you create military, police or firefighter wristbands to show your pride and support! We sell camouflage, blue, and red silicone wristbands, which are great for veterans and military families, police officers and law enforcement organizations, and firefighters, respectively.

Common Military Wristbands Sayings:

  • Support Our Troops
  • Support Our Veterans
  • U.S. Marine Corps
  • U.S. Navy
  • U.S. Army
  • I Love My Soldier
  • Semper Fi or Semper Fidelis

Common Police Wristbands Sayings:

  • Blue Lives Matter
  • Thin Blue Line
  • We Back The Blue

Common Firefighter Wristbands Sayings:

  • Support Firefighters
  • Thin Red Line

Whether you want to get a handful of bracelets for yourself and your family to show support for your loved one, or want to buy hundreds to show support and give them out or sell them, we have options to help you make wristbands that will make them proud.

These wristbands also make great memorial bracelets for fallen heroes.

What Our Customers Are Saying